
Настройка фильтра в сортировщике сразу для всех почтовых адресов

Здравствуйте, добавьте пожалуйста возможность создание одного фильтра в сортировщике для всех почтовых адресов в ispmanager, к примеру у меня 170 email адресов и приходится в каждый заходить и постоянно корректировать фильтр, это отнимает очень много времени и очень неудобно.  В идеале я хотел что бы при создании одного фильтра можно было поставить галочку применить ко всем email адресам.

29.08.2024 07:34

Добавлено в бэклог

Такое возможно и этого очень не хватает.


3.2.  Control Structure "include"

      Usage:  include [LOCATION] [":once"] [":optional"] 

              LOCATION = ":personal" / ":global"

   The "include" command takes an optional "location" parameter, an
   optional ":once" parameter, an optional ":optional" parameter, and a
   single string argument representing the name of the script to include
   for processing at that point.  Implementations MUST restrict script
   names according to ManageSieve [RFC5804], Section 1.6.  The script
   name argument MUST be a constant string as defined in [RFC5229],
   Section 3; implementations MUST NOT expand variables in the script
   name argument.

   The "location" parameter MUST default to ":personal" if not
   specified.  The "location" parameter MUST NOT be specified more than
   once.  The "location" has the following meanings:

      Indicates that the named script is stored in the user's own
      personal (private) Sieve repository.

      Indicates that the named script is stored in a site-wide Sieve
      repository, accessible to all users of the Sieve system.

05.12.2024 09:34



Sieve filtering for an entire domain name

In addition to filters for each mailbox, it’s possible to create filters that apply to all addresses at your domain name. This is done by placing script files named “domain-before.sieve” and/or “domain-after.sieve” in your domain’s home directory:

/home/ex/example.com/domain-before.sieve /home/ex/example.com/domain-after.sieve

You can put these on the server using a File Manager or an FTP connection to your home directory, or by using SFTP or a shell connection (both of which always have access to your home directory).

A “domain-before.sieve” script (if one exists) runs before any per-mailbox “mailbox.sieve” script, and a “domain-after.sieve” script (if one exists) runs after. So when a message arrives, three different Sieve script files will be searched for and used if present, in this order:

/home/ex/example.com/domain-before.sieve /home/ex/example.com/mailstore/address/mailbox.sieve /home/ex/example.com/domain-after.sieve

Each script is used only if a previous script didn’t discard the message or file it into a folder, so the order matters. If you want to create domain-wide rules that override “mailbox.sieve” scripts, you’d put them in the “domain-before.sieve” script. To create domain-wide rules that are used only if “mailbox.sieve” doesn’t do anything, you’d put them in “domain-after.sieve”.

06.12.2024 09:02